Justice International Consulting Group realizes the importance of investing in human capital and in the development of the organization, both of which are an urgent necessity to achieve success. return from it. We at Justice International Consulting Group realize the importance of this, which made us adopt quality as an approach, and provide integrated solutions to improve the performance of individuals and raise the efficiency of organizations, to be the first choice as a strategic partner for those who need to train and develop their employees.

We offer you exemplary solutions through studies, consultations, training and development, under the supervision of experts and professors of international universities in the field of training and development. We are among the first to provide quality training and advisory services, at the local, regional and global levels.
And Justice International Consulting Group always seeks to prepare human cadres capable of building the future, and adapting to global changes, by supporting our clients, whether institutions, companies, or individuals, according to the latest quality systems, to develop their performance and business and operate them, according to the latest technologies, standards and global models.
Through the basic values and principles of the Justice International Consulting Group, to always satisfy the client and achieve our principles, goals, and mission that we pledge to achieve in the group (quality – excellence – credibility – confidentiality – professionalism – technical professionalism – creativity – commitment).

Justice offers several distinct training bags in several main branches. Within each branch, there are several distinct and valuable sub-bags.
Through the establishment of distinctive training courses to train human cadres for sectors and individuals, whether direct or electronic training from a distance, we offer many training and development programs, the most important of which are:-
- International Commercial Arbitration Programs.
- Programs for preparing leaders, self-development, and senior management (leaders).
- Programs for preparing specialized consultants, human resources, and training.
- Financial and accounting software.
Specialized in engineering programs and project management. - Marketing, Sales, Purchasing, and Warehousing Programs.
- Documentation and information technology programs.
- Tourism and hospital management programs.
We train at the highest levels of academic quality approved for individuals and companies, in addition to managing, operating and developing training and educational facilities and supervising them, and providing studies and consultations.

All of this is presented according to the mechanism of implementing development and training with international educational and educational standards and for which accredited certificates are granted.
- Specialized programs for the development of institutions and individuals, according to advanced curricula and training packages designed on a methodology that does not exceed 30% in theory, while 70% focus on the practical side.
- Programs to manage and develop facilities and provide solutions for business development, such as the use of integrated and multi-use assessment tools, based on measuring the thinking and inference style of personal characteristics, and practical and professional interests, with products and services for business development.
- Accredited studies and consultancy programs to clarify and improve management and operation, and to develop and supervise training and educational facilities.
Designing programs and applications that achieve the objectives of the facility After studying the needs and capabilities available to it, the training plan for the client is prepared with studied principles according to the following:
- Defining training objectives and building a training plan that includes the training schedule.
- Determine and study the training need.
- Selection, design, and construction of training packages and training programs.
- Implementation of training programs with the best competencies.
- Preparing reports on the progress of training, including a copy of the pre-training test, a copy of the post-training test, and a report on the performance of employees and the participants’ impressions after the training.